Complaints procedure
Q1007 Version 4-May 2019Page 1of 4Complaint’s ProcedurePURPOSE__________________________________________________________________________________T3 Training & Development aim to provide a high standard of service to all our customers and feedback is important to us so help us make improvements and ensure we are meeting people’s requirements. If you are unhappy with any of our services it is important you let us know.The following outlines the procedure to be followed to provide feedback, raise causes for concern and the processes for recording and investigation of all formal complaints received. This procedure should be used by anyone who wishes to provide feedback or formally complain about our services, including students, employers, schools, partners, parents/guardians of students under 18 or external agencies. RESPONSIBILITY__________________________________________________________________________________The Training Manager has overall responsibility for this procedure. It will be reviewed on an annual basis or as and when the procedure or policy is revised. SCOPE__________________________________________________________________________________The complainant will be expected tobringtheir complaint to the company’s attention as soon as possible after the reason / event causing them to complain; Explain the problem, in writing, as clearly and fully as possible, including any action taken to date; Allow the company a reasonable time to deal with the matter; Recognisethat some circumstances may be beyond the companiescontrol. Confidentiality Every attempt will be made to ensure the confidentiality of a complainant and the contents of their complaint. However, where a complaint is of a personal nature against an individual, it is likely that the complainant’s identity will be revealed at some stage in all but the most exceptional cases, so that there can be a fair investigation. Data protection All complaints will be kept and stored according to the relevant Data Protection legislation. If you have concerns about how your personal data is used or stored, or you wish to exercise your rights under the Data Protection Act, pleasecontact us.
Q1007 Version 4-May 2019Page 2of 4Child protection and safeguarding If the company receives information that a young person is, or has been, put at risk of harm then, after a full discussion with the young person involved, the information may have to be shared with the relevant statutory agencies in accordance with the Company’s Safeguarding Policy. Feedback We welcome all feedback (comments, compliments or suggestions) from students, parent(s) / guardian(s), employers and members of the public about the services we provide. Anyone wishing to provide feedback can do so by writing to T3 Training & Development. Where appropriate, it is alsoencouraged to speak to a member of staff or talk to a course representative.Feedback will not necessarily be followed by a written response, unless this is specifically requested. Feedback received will be recorded by the Training Managerand analysed on a termly basis by the Training Manager. A summary will be presented to the directors to ensure continual quality improvement. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE __________________________________________________________________________________Where possible, the informal resolution of a complaint will be sought in the first instance, in person, by phone or email. Concerns should be raised with the person concerned as soon as possible. If appropriate, a meeting will be offered between the person complaining and the area they are complaining about to arrive at an agreed resolution. If a complaint is about a member of staff it should be referred to the relevant line manager.Staff should record details of all informal complaints, even if satisfactorily resolved. Where the concern has not been resolved informally or in the case of serious complaints or concerns, the complainant should raise a formal complaint. Written complaints: Anyone wishing to make a formal complaint can do so in writing. All complaints should be addressed to: Training Manager, T3 Training & Development, The Business Village, BBIC, Innovation Way, Wilthorpe,Barnsley S75 1JL or email [email protected] complaints:can be made on 01226 610201.Acknowledgment: The Training Managerwill send an acknowledgment (normally within 3 working days), andinform the complainant that a response will be provided within 10 working days of receiving the acknowledgement.
Q1007 Version 4-May 2019Page 3of 4Logging the complaint:The Training Managerwill maintain a spreadsheet of all complaints, their progress and outcome. Investigation:The Training Managerwill forward the complaint to the directors. A Director will carry out an investigationwith the Training Manager. The complainant may be contacted for further information and could be invited to meet with the investigator. (They may be accompanied by a friend or family member. An accompanying person cannot take active part in the proceedings but can offer support tothe complainant). Resolution: The investigator will make a judgement based on evidence gathered and will decide to: Dismiss the complaint as unfounded, giving reason;or Uphold or partially uphold the complaint, propose an amicable settlement, take appropriate steps to address the issue. Communicating outcome: The investigator will respond to the complainant and copy the Directorin. Quality improvement: The Director will ensure that relevant action is taken, where applicable to change procedures or implement staff training to prevent recurrence of the complaint. Monitoring the complaint: The Training Managerwill monitor progress of complaints resolution and will inform the Directors of any unresolved complaints. The complainant should expect to receive a written response within 10 working days of receiving the acknowledgement. If for any reason we are unable to meet this timescale, the Training Managerwill inform the complainant in writing and be advised of a revised response time. Evaluation: The complaints, appeals and outcomes recorded on the complaints database will be analysed on a termly basisby the Quality manager. A summary will be presented to the Directors to ensure actions are carried out to address the issues raised and ensurecontinual quality improvement.Appeals If the centre/learner is still unhappy with the outcome at this stage they are entitled to escalate the matter with the relevant awarding body or qualifications regulator.Appeals should be in writing and addressed to the Director, whose decision will be final. It must be sent within 15 working days of receiving the response, providing reasons for the appeal. The appeal may be investigated by an alternative Director whowill reply directly to the complainant.