Safeguarding policy
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 1of 9Safeguarding PolicyPURPOSE__________________________________________________________________________________Safeguarding is the responsibility of all staff and contractorsat T3 Training & Development (T3)each playing a part in preventing, identifying and reporting abuse and neglectto the learners.All safeguarding concerns will be addressed,and we willensure that learners who attend T3are kept safe from harm whilst they are in our charge. T3will not limit its view of what constitutes abuse or neglect, as they can take many forms and the circumstances of the individual case should be considered. SCOPE__________________________________________________________________________________to ensure that learners are effectively safeguarded from the potential risk of harm and that the safety and wellbeing of the learner is of the highest priority in all aspects ofT3’s workto helpT3maintain its ethos whereby staff,volunteers,contractors, sub-contractors,learners, parents, carers, guardians and visitors feel able to articulate any concerns comfortably, safe in the knowledge that effective action will be taken as appropriateto outline T3’s commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of learnersT3 will ensure all staff:Are appropriatelytrainedare aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding learnersknow the procedures that should be followed if they have a safeguarding causefor concernknow how to access additional information regarding safeguardingare aware of the keyindicators relating to child and adult abuseand/or neglectSupportT3’s commitment to safeguarding, child and adult protectionRESPONSIBILITY__________________________________________________________________________________The Training Manager has overall responsibility for this procedure. It is the role of the T3 Team to ensure this procedure is adhered to.This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis or as and when the Prevent duty or Safeguarding legislation are revised. Safeguarding StaffingStructure in T3and the Role of StaffThe Designated Safeguarding Lead for Safeguarding and Preventin T3is: Nicola Barton-01226 610201 [email protected] their absence, these matters will be dealt with by the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Leanne Melling-01226 610201 [email protected] Authority Designated Officer LADO -Barnsley Council01226 772341
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 2of 9T3has a statutory duty to safeguardits learners. T3recognises its legal andmoral duty to promote the well-being of learnersand protect them from harm and respond to safeguarding concerns when they arise. We agree that we haveaprimary responsibility for the care, welfareandsafety of the learners in ourcare, and wewill carry out this duty through our teaching and learning,day to day practices,extracurricular activities, pastoral care and extended T3activities.In order toachieve this, all members ofT3,in whatever capacity, will at all times act proactively in learner welfare matters especially where there is a possibility that a learner may be at risk of significant harm. We will enable learners, through tutorial, workbooks and other support activities, to develop the skills they need to stay safe from harm, understand Britishvalues,raise awarenessof equalityand diversity, health and safety,prevent & radicalisationand E-Safety. We will also help them to develop the confidence they need to speak upfor themselves and others. We will provide effective support, guidance and care if a learner shares a concernwith us.Learnersshouldbe able to:recognise and manage risks indifferent situationsjudge what kind of physicalcontact is acceptable and what is not acceptablerecognise when their personal safety is threatenedand when and where to gethelpWe will:prevent unsuitable people working with learnerspromote safe practice and challenge poorand unsafe practiceEnsurestaff are alert to learners at risk and know how to report concernsWhen dealing with safeguarding concerns, it is important that all staff should ‘Think Family’ and consider the family members within the household and wider networks who maybe at risk of, or experiencing abuse or neglect. T3will make referralsto Children orAdults Social Carewhen this is necessary to safeguard children and adults in need of safeguarding, even if they arenot in its care.T3seeks to adopt an open andaccepting attitude towards learnersas partof their responsibility for pastoral care. T3hopes that parents/carers and learnersfeel free to talk about any concerns and will see T3as a safe place if there are any difficulties at home. Learners’worries and fears will be taken seriouslyif they seek help from a member of staff. However, staff must not promise secrecy if concerns are such that referral must be made to the appropriate agencies in order to safeguard the learner’s welfareand/orprotect them from abuse and/or neglect.Learners will be made aware of this legal obligation.If there are suspicions that a learner’s physical, sexual or emotional well-being is being, or is likely to be, harmed, or that they are being neglectedor abused in any way, appropriate action will be taken. This action will bein accordance with the safeguarding procedures issued bythe Safeguarding Children Board, if learner is under 18or Safeguarding Adult Board, if learner is over 18, of the Local Authority area where the learnerresides.
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 3of 9A child going missing from education can be a potential indicator of abuse or neglect.Staff members should follow T3’s procedures for reporting concerns ofchildren who go missing from education, particularly on repeat occasions, to help identify the risk of abuse and neglect including sexual abuse or exploitation and to help prevent further incidences. DEALING WITH CONCERNS_________________________________________________________________________________It is not the responsibility of any member ofT3to investigate any suspicions or concerns that a learner is at risk of or is sufferingsignificant harm.A safeguardingcause for concern is an action, observation, disclosure ordiscussion that makes stafffeel anxious about the safety orwellbeing of a learner.All causes for concern mustbe recordedon T3’s Safeguarding Cause for Concern form and mustbe passed to the Safeguarding Officer immediately. Staffshould provide as much detail as possible about theconcern, clarifying the basic facts. If an alleged crime has been committed, it is necessary togather the basic facts about the alleged perpetrator (including name, age, address, access to children and adults), but not take any action that might alert the alleged perpetrator.The Safeguarding Team will decide on the appropriate actions, completing the section ‘To be completed by theSafeguarding Team’ on the form and notify the member ofstaff ofthe actions.Whilst awaiting the advice and actions from the Safeguarding Team,staffmust continue to monitor the situation that has ledto report in a cause for concern.If the situation changesin the interim, staffmust report in immediately any further details. In addition, if the concernbecomes one of immediatesuffering or likely to suffer significant harm, follow the guidance detailed below.The Safeguarding Team will consider if theconcern needs to be passed on to Children or Adult Social Care for further action,following the procedures of these agencies respectively for making a referral.If, at any point, there is a risk of immediate serious harm to a learneror staffbelieve that a learner is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, contactmust be madewith a member of the Safeguarding Teamimmediatelyso that prompt,appropriate action and referrals can be made to safeguardthe learner. If staffare unableto make contact with a member of the Safeguarding Team, a referralmustimmediately be made by that member of staff directly to Children or Adult Social Care, depending on the age of the learner and it must be to the Social Care team in the Local Authority area where the learner resides.In addition, if appropriate, support from the relevant emergency services should be sought (Police/Ambulance/Fire Services).If a learner has a Social Worker, staffmust keep the Social Worker updated on any safeguardingconcerns regarding the learner, aswell as the Safeguarding Team.An electronicsafeguardingfile will be raised and will include:Learner Information Sheetdetails of other agencies the learner may be working withwhether a child protection, child in need, early help assessment or adult safeguarding arrangements are in placechronological information including cause for concerns, emails,telephone calls, meeting
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 4of 9notes concerns about and/or contact with the learner andactions takeninformation on any siblingsADDITIONAL SUPPORT__________________________________________________________________________________Our business is committed to being at the forefront of thesafeguarding and prevent agenda, therefore further support and guidance is accessible via the regional prevent coordinator at DfE. The Designated Safeguarding Leadhas a duty to share and promote the additional guidance throughout the provision. Our Safeguarding Team is on hand to provide one to one ongoing additional support where required. PREVENT__________________________________________________________________________________It is important that all learners areprotected from the risk of radicalisation. It is the responsibility of T3in its capacityas a training provider,to have regard to these duties from 1 July 2015. The duty also requires T3to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.(See T3 Prevent Policy Q1017).RECRUITMENT__________________________________________________________________________________In order to ensure that learners are protected whilstat T3,wewill ensurethat our staffand volunteers are carefully selected, screened, trained and supervised. We accept our responsibility to follow the guidance set out inthe most up to date version of the statutory guidance’KeepingChildren Safe in Education’. In particular,we willensure that the followingchecks are satisfactorily completed before apersontakes up a position with T3: identity checks toestablish that applicants are who they claim to beincluding having sight of an applicant’s birthcertificate,passport and/or driving licence(see staff recruitment policy Q1026)checking academic qualifications, to ensure that qualifications are genuinePrevious employment history will be examined appropriate Disclosureand Barring Service (DBS)checks are completedA referencewillbe obtained foreach new startINDUCTION ANDTRAINING__________________________________________________________________________________All new members of staff will receive induction training, which will give them an overview oftheorganisation and ensure they know its purpose, values, services and structure, aswell as how to identify and report abuse and safeguardingconcerns within the appropriate levels of confidentiality.
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 5of 9All new staff(and volunteers)will completean onlinesafeguarding training, British Values, Channel Awareness, Equality& DiversityAwarenessduringtheirinduction. This will enable them toeffectively fulfil theirresponsibilities in respect of safeguarding learners. All staff will attend refresher training every year, which includesupdates via newsletters, emails,andstaff meetings that staff are expected to participate in.The designated lead safeguarding officerand deputy are required to complete the Level 3 Designated Safeguarding Officer Training.CONDUCT OF STAFF__________________________________________________________________________________T3has a duty to ensure that high standards of professional behaviour exist among all staff who come into contact withlearners and that all members of staff are clear about what constitutes appropriate behaviourand professionalboundaries. The ‘Teachers Standards'(2012)states that teachers should safeguard children’s wellbeing and maintain public trust in the teaching profession as part of their professional duties.Atall times, members of staff are required to work in aprofessionalway with learners. All staff should be aware of the dangers inherent in:working alone with a learnerphysical interventionscultural and gender stereotypingdealing with sensitive informationgiving to and receiving gifts from learners andparentscontacting learners through private telephones (including texting), e-mail, msn,orsocial networking websitesdisclosing personal details inappropriatelymeeting learnersand families outside T3hours or T3dutiesIf any member of staff has reasonable suspicion that a learner is suffering harm and failsto act in accordance with this policy andthe relevant Safeguarding Children and Adults Board procedures, T3will view this as misconduct, andtake appropriate action. PHOTOGRAPHING LEARNERS UNDER THE AGE OF18 __________________________________________________________________________________Wewill not allow visitors to T3i.e. workshop providers-tophotographor film learners duringa T3activity without permission.Wewill not allow images of learners to be used on T3websites, publicity, or press releases, without express permission from the learnerand,if under 18,the parent. The full nameof learners on social mediawill not be used without permission also.CONFIDENTIALITY ANDSHARING INFORMATION__________________________________________________________________________________T3will ensurethat all data about learners is handled in accordance with the requirements of the law
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 6of 9and any national and local guidance. Staff must recognise the need to comply with relevant legislation and guidance in relation to GDPR(T3 Policy Q1001),confidentialityand information sharing. FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION__________________________________________________________________________________Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is illegal in England and Walesunder the FGM Act 2003. It is a form of child abuse and violence against women. FGM comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons.Section 5B of the FGM Act 2003 introduces a mandatory reporting duty which requires regulated health and social care professionals and teachers in England and Wales to report ‘known’cases ofFGM in under 18s which they identify in the course of their workto the police,where they either:Are informed bya girl under 18 that an act of FGM has been carried out on her; orObserve physical signs which appear to show that an act of FGMhas been carried out on a girl under 18 and they have no reason to believethat the act was necessary for the girl’sphysicalor mental health or for purposes connected with labour or birth.Complying with the duty does not breach any confidentiality requirement or other restriction on disclosure which might otherwise apply.The Safeguarding Team must make an appropriate referral to Children’s Social Care if FGM is suspected. In these cases, parents will not be informed before seeking advice. This duty does not apply in ‘at risk’ or suspected cases. ForallT3staff, normalsafeguarding procedures apply in the reporting ofFGM cases.SUBCONTRACTING__________________________________________________________________________________T3is committed to ensuring that all learners/apprenticesin our subcontracted provision are safeguarded.Through due diligence, quality auditsand unannounced visits we gather evidence to provideassurance and intervene if necessary.What happens if the SafeguardingPolicyis not adhered to?We will not tolerate behaviour which breaches the Safeguarding Policyand will initiate disciplinary orother action, if circumstances warrant, against those who contravene the guidance contained in it.SUMMARY OF LEGAL ANDGOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS__________________________________________________________________________________Female Genital Mutilation ‘Recognising and Preventing FGM’This guidance describes some of the signs that FGM has taken place or could take place in the near future. Italso explains what practitioners need to do in such circumstances.
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 7of 9’Working Together to Safeguard Children'(2015)This guidance outlines how weshould all work together to safeguardand promote the welfare of children.’Keeping Children Safe in Education'(2019)Provides further guidance as to how T3should fulfil their duties in respect ofsafeguardingand promoting the welfare of children intheir care.’Education Inspection Framework for Further Education andSkills'(2019)Ofsted is required to inspect the extent to which T3discharge their duties under ‘section 175’of the ‘Education Act'(2002) andreport on these safeguarding outcomes for children and young people with specific reference to:the effectiveness to which institutions take reasonable steps to ensure that children and young people are safethe effectiveness of institutionsin helping to ensure that children and young people feel safe’Criminal exploitationof children and vulnerable adults: county lines’Sept 2018This guidanceexplainsthe government’s approach to ending gang violence and exploitation.Itis intended to explain the nature of this harm to enable practitioners to recognise its signs and respond appropriately so that potential victims get the support and help they need’Teaching online safety inschool’June 2019Guidance supporting schools to teach their pupils how to stay safe online, within new and existing school subjects’Safer Practice, Safer Learning'(NIACE 2007)This guidance sets out the safeguarding responsibilities for T3and recommends creating a”safer”learning environment that promotes well-beingand security.’What to do if you are worried a childis being abused 2015 -Advice forPractitioners”The Care Act 2014’The Human Rights Act 1998The MentalCapacity Act (including DoLs) 2005’Protection of Freedoms Act'(2012)The Protection of Freedoms Act,2012 established the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) that carries out functions previously undertaken by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). This includes setting out the type of activity in relation tochildren and vulnerable adults that is classed as ‘regulated activity’ and subject to appropriate
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 8of 9vetting andmonitoring.’The Children Act'(2004)The Children Act,2004 defines statutory leadership roles for the safeguarding of children, the joint planningof children’s services and how organisations should safeguard children and promote their welfare.The Act defines safeguarding as the protection of children and young people from maltreatment including preventing the impairmentof theirhealth or development and ensuring that children and young people are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.’The Sexual Offences Act'(2003)The SexualOffences Act 2003 defined a range of criminal offences involving the abuse of a position of trust.The Act’s provisions mean that, subject to a number of limited defences (as set out in sections 23 and 24 of the Act), it would be a criminal offence for aperson in a position of trust to engage in any sexualactivity with a person agedunder 18 with whom they have a relationship of trust, irrespective of the age of consent, evenif the basis for theirrelationship is consensual.A relationship of trust existswhere a member of staff or volunteer is in a position of poweror influence over a learner/apprenticeby virtue ofthe work or nature of the activity being undertaken.TheEducation Act (2002)-Section 175of the ‘Education Act'(2002)provides that:”The governing body of an institution within the further education sector shall make arrangementsfor ensuring that their functions relating to the conductof the institutionare exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children receiving education and training at the institution.”The Children Act 1989PartIII of The Children Act 1989 outlines the requirement for local authorities to provide services for children and their families:Section 17 of the Act determines that it is the duty of every local authority to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area. It is under this section of the legislation that concerns about the welfare of a child will be referred to social careSection 47 of the Act determines the duty of every local authority to investigate where there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering,or likely to suffer, significant harm. It is under thissection of the legislation that concerns about the abuse or neglect of a child will be referred to social care
Q1004 Version 6-March 2020Page 9of 9ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF __________________________________________________________________________________The Senior ManagementTeam is responsible for:giving a consistent andhigh profile lead on all safeguarding issuespromoting T3’s approach to safeguarding inside and outside theinstitutionmaking sure the safeguarding policy and all supporting policies and procedures are followedallocating sufficient resources and time toenable designated staff to discharge their responsibilities, includingtaking part in strategy discussionsand other interagency meetings, and contributing to the assessment of childrenensuring all staff feel able toraise concerns about poor or unsafe practiceManagers are responsible for:putting the safeguardingpolicyandsupporting policies and procedures into practicemaking sure all staff know their responsibilities and receive support and training to carry these outfollowing the relevant procedures to manage safeguarding issues raised bystaff or learner/apprenticeAll staff are responsible for:acting in accordance with this policy at all timesidentifyinglearners who may be in need of extra help, who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. All staff have a responsibilityto take appropriate actionas describedin this policy, working with other services as neededdealing with safeguarding issues and being able to recognise potential harm, ensuring they are alert to the signs/indicators ofabuse and neglectkeeping the central Safeguarding Team up to date with ongoing concerns regarding a learner in need of safeguarding and/or who is working with statutory services such as Social Care. This may include, for example, a dip in attendance, concerning behaviour, a change in presentationin the absence of a memberofthe Safeguarding Officerbeing available, takingaction to safeguard the learner including making referralsto external agencies if appropriateraising awareness of this policy withlearners and what might happen iftheyhave a concern about a learnerreferringconcerns immediately to theSafeguarding OfficerpromotingT3’s approach to safeguarding and protectinglearnersunderstanding their rolein relation to the requirement to safeguard and promote the welfare of learners and protect them from harmknowing how to support and respond toa learner who discloses abuse or neglector a wider safeguarding concernworkingwith DSL, Barnsley College’s Central Safeguarding Team and may be asked to support Social Workers to make decisions about learnersalways actingin interest ofthelearner.All staff will integrate and embed BritishValues, Safeguarding and Prevent into all teaching, learning andassessment materials and delivery.